Free online teacher training

Boost your teaching credentials with our free EF Teacher Development Certificate. Join us for six webinars with academic experts on different methods, approaches, and tools to make teaching a language more fun for you and your students.

How it works

You can earn your EF Teacher Development Certificate by attending all six one-hour webinars. They are free and take place several times per year (see dates below for upcoming sessions). The webinars are held in English and registration is open to teachers worldwide. At the end of the program we will send you the certificate by email.


Agenda for our upcoming webinar series

Webinar 1

Teaching younger learners

26.10.2023 - 17.00 CET

Come to our interactive webinar and brush up on your techniques for inspiring younger learners in your language classroom.


“Children must be taught how to think not what to think”. -  Margaret Mead

Webinar 2

Task-based language teaching

02.11.2023 - 17.00 CET

Make sure you don’t miss this interactive webinar looking at ways of using tasks for linguistic success in the classroom and beyond.


“Task-based language teaching is not about teaching tasks, but about using tasks as a means of teaching language." - David Nunan

Webinar 3

Teacher Development and Self-reflection

09.11.2023 - 17.00 CET

Please join us in this interactive webinar and explore how we can focus on professional development and self-reflection in our daily teaching lives.


“Life as a teacher begins the day you realise that you are always a learner”. – Robert John Meehan

Webinar 4

Intercultural Competence

16.11.2023 - 17.00 CET

Join our interactive webinar to explore ways of empowering our students with the tools and strategies to become better interculturally competent learners.


"Intercultural competence is an essential component of language teaching and learning in our globalized world". - Darla K. Deardorff

Webinar 5

Teaching Business Language

23.11.2023 - 17.00 CET

Join this interactive webinar to pick up practical tips for nurturing collaborative learning both inside and outside the language classroom.


"Teaching business English is not just about teaching language skills, but also about developing learners' critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills in a business context". - David Evans

Webinar 6

Teaching Academic English

30.11.2023 - 17.00 CET

Sign up for this interactive webinar and take away new strategies on how to best facilitate learning in your EAP classroom.


"Teaching English for Academic Purposes involves preparing learners for the linguistic, academic, and cultural demands of higher education". - Ken Hyland

Can't make a session? No problem! You can still earn the certificate by watching the recording session that we send out to you after each live webinar.

What do teachers say about us?

"Thank you very much for all the webinars. All six were interesting and helped me look more critically at the way I teach. I will try to improve. Thank you again and hope you will have more interesting things for us in store."
Irina Rybalchenko - Znanye Language Center - Russia
"They were all very useful, informative and enjoyable. Some helped me structure what I already knew. Some gave me food for thought. I will certainly use your presenters' brilliant ideas and suggestions to make my lessons more effective and fun."
Tatyana Vidneyeva - Russia
"It was very beneficial as this a hot and trending topic nowadays. Also, we are trying to step up into using more tech in our classrooms, so it is good to know the basics."
Meric Tumer - Atilim University, Ankara - Turkey


Looking for more information? See the answers to our most frequently asked questions and get ready to earn your EF Teacher Development Certificate

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